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Gail Huff Brown on Sununu’s Abortion Ban...


Gail Huff Brown on Sununu’s Abortion Ban: “I'm happy with the law that was recently signed in by the governor”

Candidate also refused to take privatizing Social Security off of the table

Concord, NH -- Gail Huff Brown, former Boston TV personality and prominent booster of husband Scott Brown’s failed carpetbagging Senate campaign, has entered the chaotic first Congressional District NH GOP primary and she recently appeared on WMUR’s Close Up.

In the interview, Huff Brown refused to take privatizing Social Security off the table, and when asked about Sununu’s abortion ban she said "I'm happy” with the abortion ban “recently signed in by the Governor” and “I very much support” it. When asked about Roe v. Wade, Huff Brown said: “I don’t know if I would be upset” if Roe v. Wade was struck down. In response to Huff Brown’s WMUR Close Up interview, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:

“Clearly, the NH GOP’s first district primary is a disgrace. Republicans have turned to Massachusetts’ Gail Huff Brown because they they had no faith in the two incompetent Trump wannabes running, but this interview shows that Huff Brown is just as far right as her competitors. While these fringe candidates continue this race to the bottom, we know that Congressman Pappas will continue to fight to defend reproductive health care in New Hampshire and across the country.”

On Choice

Adam Sexton, WMUR - 4:09: What about the issue of abortion? Are you pro life, pro life or pro choice? Gail Huff Brown: I'm going to go back to where I set out on my hate labels. I mean, I'm a mix of both… I'm happy with the law that was recently signed in by the governor here in New Hampshire. Adam Sexton, WMUR 5:00: So you would be upset. For instance, if the Supreme Court repealed Roe vs. Wade or struck it down? Gail Huff Brown: I don't know. That's I don't know if I would be upset at that.

On Social Security

Adam Sexton, WMUR - 8:04: Do you think, you know, privatization is on the table? Would that be something you would explore or support? Gail Huff Brown: I would have to I would have to do much more research into it to decide whether or not that's even viable? Yeah, I would have to do a lot more research. I am not an economist or a financial expert.

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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