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Trump’s Tenure Has Been a Disaster for New Hampshire Latinos


Concord, N.H. -- Following today’s release of Vice President Biden’s plan to advance equity for Latinos in New Hampshire and across the United States, Letizia Ortiz, chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party Latino Caucus released the following statement regarding how Donald Trump has blocked N.H. Latinos’ progress as president:  “Since the beginning of his political career, cruelty towards the Latino community hasn’t just been a by-product of Donald Trump’s choices – often, it’s been the entire point. Trump has stopped at nothing to take away affordable health care for Latino Granite Staters by scheming to repeal the Affordable Care Act. He’s threatened to veto a minimum wage hike and other crucial legislation that would put more money in the pockets of New Hampshire Latino working families and small businesses, and he and his Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos have methodically attacked Latino students by defunding public schools. And Trump’s chaotic mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to Granite State Latinos contracting COVID-19 at three times the state average. Latinos and Granite Staters from all backgrounds cannot endure another four years of a Trump presidency. We are ready to stand together and replace Donald Trump with Joe Biden who will work with all of our communities to undo the damage of the Trump administration and support policies that will help us succeed."


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