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STATEMENT: Senators Shaheen and Hassan Stand Up for Granite Staters’ Reproductive Rights and Access

Today, Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator Maggie Hassan voted to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act that would codify Roe v. Wade if the Supreme Court overturns the landmark decision, which it will likely do this summer. In addition to the Supreme Court’s impending decision to overturn Roe, Mitch McConnell recently said that it’s possible Republicans will push a nationwide abortion ban if they retake the Senate majority. In response to the Senators’ votes, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement: “While Senator Shaheen and Senator Hassan work to ensure that women have access to abortion and the right to reproductive health care, all of Senator Hassan’s Republican opponents support ending Roe and would help Mitch McConnell criminalize abortion and punish women for making their own health care decisions. The difference could not be more clear: Senator Shaheen and Senator Hassan are fighting to protect Granite Staters’ reproductive freedoms, and Senator Hassan’s Republican opponents are fighting to be rubber stamps for Mitch McConnell's extreme, anti-choice agenda.” BACKGROUND: All of Senator Hassan’s opponents support the Supreme Court’s draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and the abortion ban that Chuck Morse created and helped pass.

  • On the day POLITICO reported on the Supreme Court’s draft decision to overturn Roe, Kevin Smith told his supporters that “we are SO close to ending abortion once and for all” and said that he supports the draft decision.

  • Chuck Morse said that he supports the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe and was proud of his anti-choice record which includes being the “key architect” of the first abortion ban in modern New Hampshire history, that makes no exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal anomaly and mandates ultrasounds and imposes felony penalties and prison time on doctors. Last week, Morse was also the deciding vote against codifying abortion rights at the state level.

  • Don Bolduc similarly said that he supports the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe and also said Morse’s abortion ban is “better than nothing” but complained it doesn’t go far enough, and openly calls for defunding Planned Parenthood.

  • Bruce Fenton said that he is “against abortions,” backed Morse’s abortion ban, and trolled Granite Staters who voiced their support for reproductive rights.

  • Vikram Mansharamani said he supports Morse’s abortion ban.


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