In case you missed it, yesterday President Biden visited the New Hampshire Port Authority warehouse in Portsmouth with Senator Hassan, Congresswoman Kuster, and Congressman Pappas to highlight how the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will make unprecedented investments in our nation’s infrastructure, will help combat inflation and supply chain issues, and lower costs for Granite Staters. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law will bring billions of dollars to New Hampshire to invest in infrastructure projects across the state.

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The president used the trip to say that America is healthier than ever as it emerges from the coronavirus pandemic and a severe but short recession. It’s a crucial message as polling suggests many voters are uncomfortable about the future and Biden’s own economic leadership as high inflation has overwhelmed the job gains during his watch.
“We’re the only country in the world that I believe has come out of every crisis we faced stronger than when we went in,” Biden said. “Literally, stronger than we went in. That’s the history of the journey of this country.”
On his second trip to New Hampshire in less than six months, President Joe Biden visited Portsmouth to tout the infrastructure law, using projects taking place in the harbor to make his case. Biden spoke inside a New Hampshire Port Authority warehouse, telling the small crowd of invited guests about how a recently widened ship-turning basin in the river means bigger ships can come and go more easily from Portsmouth Harbor.
"It also has been a problem for decades," Biden said. "But with an $18 million investment from the Army Corps of Engineers and with the help of (U.S. Reps.) Maggie (Hassan) and Chris (Pappas), we widened that basin to 1,200 feet and got it done."
Seacoast Current: Biden Touts Infrastructure Bill Benefits For NH In Portsmouth
President Joe Biden touted the benefits of his infrastructure plan and touched on a few other topics during his trip to Portsmouth on Tuesday afternoon.
The president gave credit to Sen. Maggie Hassan and Rep. Chris Pappas, two Democrats running for re-election in this year's mid-term election, for being key figures in making the plan a reality. Biden said the plan helped modernize the port facility and create jobs for the Seacoast region.
Union Leader: Biden touts infrastructure law during Portsmouth visit
New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley said it was an honor to welcome Biden back to the Granite State.
“President Biden and our congressional delegation were instrumental in delivering this $1.2 trillion infrastructure package to improve our nation’s infrastructure like our ports and waterways, and I was thrilled to see President Biden talking about it here today,” said Buckley. “While Republicans in Washington are focused on raising our taxes and spiking health care premiums, President Biden and Democrats are delivering on creating jobs, lowering costs, making high-speed internet accessible, and improving our nation’s infrastructure like our ports.”
Throughout his remarks Tuesday, Biden focused on cutting costs and improving safety and health through infrastructure investments and other federal efforts. He touted a variety of federal investments, including funds for roads and bridges, PFAS remediation, lead pipe removal, broadband, and upgrades to the electricity grid.
New Hampshire is expected to receive $1.1 billion in federal funds for highways, $100 million for broadband coverage extensions, $420 million for water infrastructure investments, and $125 million for public transportation, among other funds.