The New Hampshire Bar Association Raises Concerns About Conway’s “Impartiality” and “Fairness”
Concord, N.H. -- Following Governor Sununu’s nomination of Pat Conway as a superior court judge, Granite Staters are raising concerns about Conway’s ability to serve impartially after reports show that Conway has a disqualifying record of misconduct and government waste, is affiliated with far-right groups, and has close ties with Sununu. Last week, members of the New Hampshire Bar Association raised concerns about Conway’s record to Sununu and the Executive Council, saying they had “reservations about [Conway’s] legal knowledge outside of criminal law” and about her “impartiality and fairness. ” Sununu has refused to address their concerns. As Rockingham County Attorney, Conway terminated the whistleblower who exposed her husband’s record of police misconduct and her political ally’s ethical violations. Conway even asked the Rockingham County Commission for public money for her potential legal fees after facing a lawsuit for firing the whistleblower, a request the commission flatly rejected. Her misconduct still wound up costing taxpayers $80,000 after Rockingham County settled the lawsuit. Conway also has a troubling record with far-right groups like Project Veritas, who Conway publicly defended. The group is classified as an espionage group whose founder was found guilty of spying on Congress. Conway’s ties with Sununu also raise questions about her ability to remain impartial. She campaigned with Sununu in 2016 and is a donor to his campaign. “We share the Bar Association’s concerns about Pay Conway. She has a record of partisanship and using her office to serve her own interests, which has already proven costly to taxpayers,” said New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley. “Conway used her position as Rockingham County Attorney to unethically benefit her friends and her family at the expense of Granite Staters, and her record indicates that she could very well do the same as Sununu’s superior court judge.”