MANCHESTER, NH — This past weekend, the NHDP held their Summer Spectacular — two back-to-back events, the annual McIntyre-Shaheen 100 Club Dinner and the 2022 State Convention. Democrats from across the state gathered in Manchester on Friday night for the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s annual McIntyre-Shaheen 100 Club Dinner. The event was completely sold out, with over 350 Granite Staters in attendance. Among the night’s speakers were New Hampshire’s entire federal delegation, Senate Democratic Leader Donna Soucy, Democratic Victory Campaign Chair Representative Matt Wilhelm, Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington, Dr. Tom Sherman, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley, and keynote speaker, Former President of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards. “Nobody knows about winning elections like Democrats in New Hampshire,” said Cecile Richards, joining the NHDP to help support Granite State Democrats up and down the ballot this November.
Saturday morning, the NHDP hosted the 2022 State Convention with keynote speaker Governor JB Pritkzer and special guest Marty Walsh! With hundreds of delegates in-person and online, New Hampshire Democrats have proven that they are fired up and ready to elect Democrats from the North Country to the Seacoast, take back our state legislative majorities, re-elect our federal delegation, and send Dr. Tom Sherman to the corner office.
“We’re Democrats. We are not going to be out-organized. We are not going to be out-passioned,” said Marty Walsh.
“You have to use all your courage and all your kindness to keep that love alive and maintain your resolve during our darkest days. Why? Because we fight for the things that we love,” said Governor JB Pritzker.