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NHDP Submits Letter of Intent to Remain First-In-The-Nation to DNC

CONCORD, NH – The New Hampshire Democratic Party submitted a letter of intent to DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and the Rules and Bylaws Committee for New Hampshire to remain as the First-in-the-Nation state to hold a presidential primary. The letter of intent is the first step in the process put forward by the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee. The NHDP will submit a formal application in early June, and will present to the Rules and Bylaws Committee in late June. Below is the text of the letter sent today by NHDP Chair Ray Buckley.

April 22, 2022

Dear Chairman Harrison, I am writing today to inform you that New Hampshire will absolutely be applying to hold its first-in-the-nation primary once again in 2024, and we welcome the opportunity to showcase the many reasons why New Hampshire should continue to lead off the Democratic Delegate Selection Process. For more than 100 years, and long before the DNC regulated the primary calendar, Presidential candidates have started their campaigns in New Hampshire. They have seen, up close and personal, just how seriously Granite Staters take their role in the first presidential primary in the nation and have come to appreciate the unique role that only New Hampshire can play in the race for the White House. For the reasons outlined below, we believe these are just some of the reasons why New Hampshire has and should retain its first-in-the-nation primary. Retail Politics Reign Supreme in the Granite State. In a day and age where campaigns are driven more and more by money and the latest digital trends, New Hampshire is a state where candidates need to speak with voters directly in our biggest cities and our smallest towns. This focus on retail politics gives candidates a chance to test their message and build innovative organizing operations. This unique experience, in New Hampshire, makes candidates across the country stronger and better for the primaries that follow, and ready to win the White House. New Hampshire is Open to All Candidates. New Hampshire is one of the most accessible states for a candidate. Regardless of who they are, where they come from, or how much money they have, every candidate has a level playing field in the Granite State. The size of New Hampshire means campaigns can build robust organizing programs for less money than in larger states, while allowing candidates to travel the entire state easily within a day. Our media markets are relatively inexpensive and don’t require millions upon millions of dollars to fund paid advertisements. Candidates get a fair shot in the Granite State, and it has helped unknown Democratic candidates from Carter to Obama hone their campaigns and propel themselves towards winning the nomination and, eventually, the White House. Voters here are the type needed to win the White House. New Hampshire is a true battleground state, and as purple of a state as you will find. Races up and down the ballot here are commonly decided by less than five points. With small rural towns, racially and ethnically diverse urban areas, suburbs, and communities successfully rebuilding after the loss of manufacturing jobs, New Hampshire offers diverse populations that a candidate for the White House must connect with if they are going to be successful in the general election. As a result of this work, New Hampshire’s electoral votes have gone to the Democratic Nominee in seven of the past eight elections and propelled Democratic Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Biden to the White House. New Hampshire has a great story to tell, and we look forward to sharing that story in the weeks and months ahead. The Granite State has kicked off the presidential nominating contest since 1920, and it has produced successful nominees for both parties. I am confident that proud tradition of nominating presidents will continue in 2024 and beyond. Thank you for your continued support of the New Hampshire Democratic Party. Sincerely, Ray Buckley Chair, New Hampshire Democratic Party

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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