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NHDP Statement On The NH GOP’s Continued Anti-Vaccine Disinformation Campaign


NHDP Statement on the NH GOP’s Continued Anti-Vaccine Disinformation Campaign

In response to the continued spread of lies and false information by Sherman Packard and the NH GOP, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley has released the following statement:

“This letter is an absurd distraction from the fact that Sherman Packard is giving dangerous anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists like Ken Weyler a microphone to spread dangerous lies that are endangering Granite Staters’ health. Sherman Packard and the House Republicans are ground zero for COVID-19 misinformation and they are so extreme that one of their own members resigned from their caucus because of their anti-vax lies. The Speaker has zero standing on this issue and should clean up his own caucus before pulling stunts like this."


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