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NHDP Statement on Affordable Care Act Anniversary


CONCORD, NH – In response to the 12 year anniversary of the passing of the Affordable Care Act, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley has released the following statement:

“Twelve years ago today, President Barack Obama and Granite State Democrats in Congress passed the Affordable Care Act in the face of unprecedented and unfounded Republican opposition. In the twelve years since, Democrats in Washington and in state legislatures across the country, including here in New Hampshire, have built on the progress of the ACA by expanding health care access and lowering costs for middle and low-income families. This is especially true with the American Rescue Plan– legislation that Republicans in Washington and here in Concord opposed.

While Democrats are still fighting to lower costs for families, Republicans are still running on an agenda of higher premiums and reduced health care options for Granite Staters. When Democrats in Washington, like then-Vice President Joe Biden and President Obama, were delivering for Americans, Republicans were obstructing at every opportunity. Now, President Joe Biden, alongside our Congressional delegation in Washington, are fighting back against the GOP’s harmful agenda that would raise premiums and restrict access to affordable healthcare.”

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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