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NH House Democrats Pass Legislation to Protect Communities from PFAS, Increase Education Funding, Support the Rural Economy & More


CONCORD, NH — New Hampshire House Democrats last week passed a slate of transformative legislation that will usher in a new era of progress for all Granite Staters. These key Democratic bills, now passed in the House, are set to fortify our communities against harmful PFAS chemicals, provide much-needed funding for public education, safeguard workers’ wages and benefits, bolster our rural economy, address issues with bail reform, and pave the way for the responsible legalization and regulation of recreational cannabis.

New Hampshire Republicans are using their slim majorities in the State House to roll back reproductive freedoms, attack LGBTQ+ students, and vote against measures to feed children in schools. Meanwhile, Democrats are working to lower costs for New Hampshire families, support communities across the state, and defend our personal freedoms. 

Read more about how House Democrats are working for Granite Staters.

Keeping Communities Safe From PFAS: House Democrats voted to pass House Bill 1649, which prohibits the sale of select products that contain PFAS, such as food packages, children’s products, cosmetics, and carpets. This will protect New Hampshire families and the environment from the harmful effects of forever chemicals. 

Increasing Education Funding: House Democrats voted to pass House Bills 1583 and 1656, which increase state funding for public education and improve the formula for determining state support for special education. These critical bills will help stabilize municipal budgets and protect property taxpayers.

Protecting Workers' Compensation: House Democrats voted to pass House Bill 1178, which protects workers’ wages and benefits of earned time off. This bill requires companies with 15 or more employees to explain their rules about earning and using paid time off and whether there are any restrictions. The bill also sets up a transparent system for employees to ask for, track, and receive approval for time off.

Creating a Farm-to-School Pilot Program: House Democrats voted to pass House Bill 1678, which creates a program to provide schools across the state with access to fresh produce from New Hampshire’s local and regional farmers. This program will simultaneously support our rural economy and improve the health and well-being of children.

Passing Bipartisan Bail Reform: House Democrats voted to pass House Bill 318, the final bipartisan compromise bill to address issues with the bail reform statute. This bill gives law enforcement and the court system the funding and tools to do their work. It allows police, prosecutors, defense lawyers, and courts to make informed decisions about pre-trial release and detention without delay.

Legalizing and Regulating Recreational Cannabis: House Democrats voted to pass House Bill 1633, a bipartisan effort to legalize and regulate recreational cannabis in the state.

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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