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Kevin Smith’s Bizarre Campaign Message: I Spoke to 100 Rich People and They Want Me To Run!


In a jaw-dropping interview published this evening, Londonderry town manager Kevin Smith said he’s running for U.S. Senate because 100 rich Republican donors want him to.

We’re not joking.

While laying out a potential campaign, Smith said nothing about growing New Hampshire’s economy or helping small businesses or lowering costs for Granite Staters. Instead, he bragged about talking “to over 100 of New Hampshire’s top Republican donors” about a potential campaign — and said little else. Smith made clear that his potential Senate campaign was for those (over) 100 top GOP donors, not the people of New Hampshire.

It was a bizarre way for Smith to half-launch his campaign — and raised lots of questions. Has Smith been skipping out on his taxpayer-funded government job to suck up to the wealthy? Or has he been doing it all on the taxpayer’s dime?

All we know right now: “I talked to 100 rich people and now I’m running for US Senate” is not going to be a winning message with New Hampshire voters.

Read the embarrassing interview from WMUR.

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