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Jon Stone, Who Was Fired for Threatening Mass Shooting and Sexual Violence Towards Law Enforcement and Their Families, Sponsors Paranoid, Self-Serving Legislation Around Firearm Purchases


CONCORD – Yesterday, HB 1186, a bill sponsored by Representative Jon Stone, passed the New Hampshire Senate and heads to the Finance Committee. The bill would decrease transparency around the sale of firearms. Last month, a shocking report by InDepthNH found that Stone’s, “law enforcement career ended when he threatened to kill fellow police officers in a shooting spree, and murder his chief after raping the chief’s wife and children.” Just last week, the Claremont City Council voted to remove Stone from the Claremont City Policy Board and the Claremont Development Authority.

The legislation would prohibit merchants in NH from using the current firearms code when payment cards are used. These codes are only used with electronic means of payment. Stone’s legislation would decrease transparency and make it more difficult for law enforcement to pick up on patterns of terrorists or those engaging in illicit firearms trafficking.

“Anybody with a shred of morality has distanced themselves from Jon Stone, and for good reason. His threats were reprehensible, and now his policy in the State Legislature is dangerous,” said NHDP Chairman Ray Buckley. “Senate Republicans are pushing this bill forward because they say they, ‘fear judgment from credit card companies.’ Spare me. This is about giving law enforcement the tools they need to do their jobs effectively, and preventing them from getting this important data only benefits those who wish to do others harm."


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