In case you missed it, with the partnership of Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan, Congresswoman Kuster, and Congressman Pappas, President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act into law. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act secures critical funding for Granite State infrastructure, including highways, bridge replacement and repairs, public transportation options across the state, and affordable internet access. Thanks to the leadership of Senator Hassan, the bill also strengthens our cybersecurity defenses. Representative Matt Wilhelm discussed the incredible benefits this legislation will bring to Granite Staters in the Concord Monitor.
Key Excerpts:
New Hampshire has the opportunity to emerge from the pandemic stronger than we ever were before now that President Biden signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
This bipartisan infrastructure package, which New Hampshire’s Congressional Delegation played a central role in negotiating and securing, is a critical opportunity for our country and our state to build an economy that will lift up everyone, attract new businesses and prepare us for the future.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help our state address these challenges. Through the leadership of Sens. Shaheen and Hassan, Congresswoman Kuster and Congressman Pappas, this bill delivers for families and businesses across New Hampshire.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will dedicate $1.1 billion to improve highways, $225 million for bridge replacement and repairs over five years and $125 million over five years to improve public transportation options across the state. And, 209,000 people in New Hampshire will also be eligible for the Affordability Connectivity Benefit, which will help low-income families afford internet access.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will modernize every aspect of our infrastructure and will give us the foundation for an economy that works for every Granite Stater. After two years where we were all pushed to the brink, our federal delegation delivered the tools New Hampshire needs to build a brighter future for our state and rebuild and grow our economy.
This legislation both allows us to take advantage of tomorrow’s opportunities as well as prepare us for tomorrow’s challenges. In measures that were negotiated directly by Sen. Hassan, this bill strengthens our cybersecurity defenses. It has become increasingly clear that hacking and ransomware attacks are a threat to New Hampshire schools and local governments.
Thanks to Sen. Shaheen and Sen. Hassan, Congresswoman Kuster, Congressman Pappas and President Biden, we will be able to rebuild from the pandemic and create a stronger economy that takes advantage of every opportunity and lifts up our neighbors.