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Granite State Delegates to be Seated at Democratic National Convention


CONCORD - Tonight, the Democratic National Committee Rules and Bylaws Committee (RBC) approved the NHDP delegate selection plan, a decision that means the New Hampshire delegates will be seated at the DNC Convention in August. 

“We are incredibly proud to send this diverse and impressive delegation to the National Convention, and I thank the delegates for their commitment to standing up for democracy.” said NHDP Chairman Ray Buckley. 

The NHDP is sending an incredibly diverse delegation of 39 members to the convention that includes eleven youth, ten LGBTQ+, five Asian American and Pacific Islander, three African American, two Latino, and one Indigenous delegates. Of these, 26 have not attended a convention before. The slate of convention delegates includes the 16 district level delegates that were first selected at the January 6th pre-primary caucuses.

This effort was due largely in part to the leadership and commitment of Joanne Dowdell, New Hampshire’s representative on the DNC RBC.

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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