Concord, N.H. -- Today marks the anniversary of Senate Republicans’ attempt to ram through legislation that would repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and kick millions of Americans off their health care, which was defeated by just one vote. Three years later, 572,000 Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions know that their health care is still at risk because Donald Trump and Republican leaders in D.C. and across the country, supported by Republican U.S. Senate candidates “Colorado Corky” Messner and Don Bolduc, have continued their assault on the lifesaving health care law through lawsuits, funding cuts and all-out attacks on Granite Staters’ health care.
Backed by Trump and his administration, Republican governors and attorneys general have filed a lawsuit with the U.S. Supreme Court to challenge the constitutionality of the ACA and rip away coverage from 23 million Americans. Messner has endorsed Trump’s efforts to gut the ACA and would be a rubber stamp for the president’s destructive health policies. Bolduc has called the ACA an “expansion of the entitlement state,” and bragged about working with the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation to overturn the ACA.
“Donald Trump, Colorado Corky and Don Bolduc are shamelessly trying to take health care away from more than one hundred thousand Granite Staters and threaten pre-existing conditions protections for hundreds of thousands more,” said NHDP Spokeswoman Noelle Rosellini. “Today marks three years since this fight should have been settled once and for all in favor of the Affordable Care Act, but Republicans continue to attack. Americans everywhere made it clear—you cannot take away our care, we will fight back every time. We will fight back again at the ballot box to make sure Corky, Bolduc and Trump don’t have a chance to do any more damage to our health care system.”
During the coronavirus pandemic and amid heightened job loss, the need for affordable health care has become more dire. Without the ACA, 105,000 Granite Staters, including 57,000 on Medicaid Expansion, would be kicked off their health care and protections for 572,000 Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions could be ended.