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Why Republican Senate Candidates Are Cheering

Josh Marcus-Blank

Concord, N.H. - Every Republican running for the U.S. Senate in New Hampshire wants the Affordable Care Act to be overturned entirely, and now they are one step closer. Yesterday's ruling by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is keeping alive the partisan lawsuit that threatens to strike down the ACA, delighting Corey Lewandowski, Corky Messner of Colorado, Donald Bolduc, and Bill O'Brien, all of whom support President Trump’s efforts to end the Affordable Care Act. Trump even dispatched Lewandowski to lead lobbying efforts pushing for its repeal in 2017. If Lewandowski, Messner, Bolduc and O'Brien get their wish of striking down the ACA, they could kick 89,000 Granite Staters off their health insurance, end protections for 572,000 Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions, and leave the 57,000 Granite Staters enrolled in Medicaid expansion without care, including those struggling with substance use disorder. "Every Republican running for Senate is celebrating a partisan lawsuit that could rip away health care from tens of thousands in New Hampshire and end protections for over half a million Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions. Meanwhile Senator Shaheen is working across the aisle to expand health care access and lower costs in every community," said NHDP spokesman Josh Marcus-Blank. "New Hampshire families will remember who focused on making a difference for them, and who stood in line with Trump and his efforts to take away their care."


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