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New Hampshire Democratic Party Releases Bingo Cards for Democratic Debate

Holly Shulman

Bingo Card Highlights Priority Issues for All Democratic Candidates from Affordable Health Care to Reproductive Rights

Concord, N.H. - Today, the New Hampshire Democratic Party released a “Dem Debate Bingo Card,” highlighting the values and priorities that will be espoused by every Democrat on the debate stage this week. “Every Democratic candidate in the First in the Nation Primary has been talking about rebuilding the middle class, protecting reproductive rights, making sure all Americans have access to affordable quality health care, and much more,” said Ray Buckley, chair of the New Hampshire Democratic Party. “While the details of Democrats’ plans may differ, they all are advocating for working Granite Staters, while Republicans are pushing policies that only help the top 1%.” Each space on the card is filled with a Democratic platform like “Affordable Health Care,” “Equal Pay For Equal Work,” “Support Our Veterans,” and 21 other Democratic policies and priorities that will likely be featured on the debate stage this week. “No matter which Democrat becomes the nominee, Granite Staters will be yelling 'Bingo!' - because on issue after issue, Democrats are fighting for the middle class,” said Buckley. You can download your own set of Dem Debate Bingo Cards to play along at And if you're still looking for a place to watch the debate, here are just a few of the Democratic Debate Watch Parties happening across the state this week: What: Somersworth & Tri-City Young Democrats Debate Watch Party When: June 26th at 8 pm Where: Thompson's 2nd Alarm, 421 Central Avenue in Dover What: Plymouth Area Democrats Debate Watch Party When: June 26th at 7:30 pm Where: The Common Man Inn & Spa Plymouth, 231 Main Street in Plymouth What: Pelham Dems Debate Watch Party - Part One When: June 26th at 8:30 pm Where: Evans’ Residence, 4 Sandy Circle in Pelham What: Londonderry Dems Debate Watch Party When: June 26th at 8:00 pm Where: 2 Litchfield Road in Londonderry What: Upper Valley Democrats Debate Watch Party When: June 26th & 27th at 8:30 pm Where: Gusanoz’s Mexican Restaurant, 410 Miracle Mile in Lebanon What: Pelham Dems Debate Watch Party - Part Two When: June 27th at 8:30 pm Where: Fyffe Residence, 77 Jericho Road in Pelham What: Rainbow City Debate Watch Party When: June 27th at 8 pm Where: 44 Pleasant Street in Somersworth


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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