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NHDP Statement on SCOTUS declaring Trump's travel ban constitutional


Today, the United States Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that President Trump's travel ban that disproportionately targeted Muslims was constitutional. The deciding vote was cast by Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, who was installed on the Court with former Senator Kelly Ayotte's help and only after Republicans took unprecedented steps to block President Obama's nominee Merrick Garland. Last year, Governor Sununu reacted to Trump's travel ban saying "I definitely don't think it's un-American." NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement: "Today is a sad day for New Hampshire and the rest of the country as the Supreme Court voted in a 5-4 decision to affirm Governor Sununu and President Trump's discriminatory vision of America. Trump's travel ban is racist, islamaphobic, and reminiscent of the darkest and lowest moments in American history. Because Sununu thinks this ban is in line with America's values, he is not fit to remain in public office. New Hampshire needs a leader who recognizes and defends the basic American principle that all people are created equal. Our state will be better off after November when voters bring Democratic control back to the Corner Office."


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