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NHDP Statement: Thank you Senator Shaheen & Senator Hassan for protecting our care

Concord, N.H. - Today, Senate Republicans announced they will not be holding a vote on the dangerous Graham-Cassidy legislation that promised to strip tens of millions of Americans from their coverage, spike premiums, and leave millions without protections for preexisting conditions. The bill effectively died after Republican Senators John McCain, Rand Paul, and Susan Collins opposed the legislation. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "Thank you to Senator Shaheen and Senator Hassan for your tireless work fighting this dangerous Graham-Cassidy bill. Both Senators have been great champions for affordable, accessible health care in the midst of what has often seemed like an un-winnable fight. Our Senators have done all they can to not only to stave off dangerous Trumpcare legislation, but they've also fought for additional funding to combat the opioid crisis and protections for women's reproductive health. Without either one of them, the protections that millions across the country depend on would be lost. We're thankful and grateful to have these two Senators fighting for us."


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