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NHDP Statement: NH Senators were key in vote to defeat Trumpcare, Governor Sununu wasn't


Concord, N.H. - Last night, the Senate rejected "skinny repeal," by a narrow 51-49 margin, with three Republican Senators joining the Democrats to defeat Trumpcare. The bill was projected to increase premiums by over $1,000 annually for Granite Staters and even more for seniors. The bill was also expected to kick 54,000 people off coverage in New Hampshire alone. Under "skinny repeal," New Hampshire hospitals would have faced $49 million in uncompensated costs. A CBO score released yesterday said that the bill would kick 16 million Americans off coverage and increase premiums by 20% next year. Governor Sununu had nothing to say. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "Endless thanks are due to Senator Shaheen and Senator Hassan for standing up on behalf of Granite Staters in our nation's capital. Last night, 51 Senator voted to do the right thing by rejecting a health care bill that would have kicked millions of Americans off insurance and hiked premiums by 20% just next year. New Hampshire voters delivered two of those key Senate votes by electing Democrats in competitive races in 2014 and 2016. This should underscore the importance of the Democratic energy that continues to grow in New Hampshire and across the country. Meanwhile, Governor Sununu refused to use his platform to stand up for the 73% of Granite Staters who don't support Trumpcare. Instead, he said nothing. He had the opportunity to join five other Republican governors opposing this devastating bill. Instead, he did nothing. It couldn't be clearer than it is today: Governor Sununu serves President Trump, Washington Republicans, and corporate special interests, not New Hampshire."


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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