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Sununu Calls for Halt in Federal Aid for NH Hospitals—Threatens to Push Cities & Towns to Bankruptcy

Concord, N.H. -- Today Chris Sununu endorsed Senate Republicans’ coronavirus relief package that had zero dollars in state aid for New Hampshire, and zero dollars for Granite State hospitals, two weeks after the inadequate, partisan bill failed on a bipartisan vote.

Federal funding is the basis for Sununu's entire response to the pandemic, and almost all coronavirus relief initiatives in the state are funded by the $1.25 billion in CARES Act funds delivered by Democrats. From the Main Street Relief fund for small businesses, to education aid and funding for first responders, everything Sununu takes credit for comes from state aid Democrats delivered, which he is now using as the basis for his re-election campaign.

Now, Sununu is embracing partisan legislation that would leave Granite State towns and cities with nothing, potentially pushing our communities into bankruptcy, and forcing layoffs of New Hampshire teachers and first responders. In addition to shortchanging New Hampshire towns, the Sununu-backed bill offered nothing for Granite State hospital relief and health care workers, and underfunded coronavirus testing and contact tracing in the state.

“Chris Sununu continues to align himself with Donald Trump’s do-nothing coronavirus agenda that defies public health guidelines and scientific data. Now he’s pushing for a political deal that could force New Hampshire cities and towns into bankruptcy. By calling for New Hampshire to receive zero dollars in state aid, and zero dollars for our hospitals and our health workers, Sununu is putting his loyalty to Trump ahead of working for Granite Staters,” said New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley.


Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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