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Roundup: Granite Staters Speak Out Against Governor Sununu's Abortion Ban

Political Analysts Make Clear This is a Vulnerability for Sununu

In the past week, doctors, elected leaders, and reproductive rights activists from across New Hampshire have continued to slam Chris Sununu for supporting an abortion ban — with no exceptions for rape or incest or fetal anomaly. Sununu’s abortion ban includes felony penalties -- of up to 7 years in prison -- against doctors and would require mandatory ultrasounds. Read more here and read testimonies and analyses from Granite Staters below: NH Today Host Chris Ryan: “The details of the bill are what's problematic, as currently written. No exceptions for rape or incest, very limited exceptions for the life of the child and a doctor is subject to prosecution for performing any such abortion. The campaign ads against Sununu write themselves.” Dante Scala, Political Science Professor, University of New Hampshire: “He’s trying to say he is pro-choice, but he's imposing restrictions. And even the way he couched it, you know, in the interview with you ‘you know, well, it's hard. I didn't, you know, it's part of the budget and I'm not going to veto it just because of that,’ I mean, that's--I don't think all that inside Concord stuff is going to work out for him. [...] I think back to the old saying, you know, about New Hampshire politics. If New Hampshire Republicans are running on social issues, it's not a good look for them.” Senator Tom Sherman, Rye: “Doctors in New Hampshire like myself, regardless of what area of health care we practice, are strongly opposed to this abortion ban because we understand that these are complex and difficult medical decisions should be made between a patient and their doctor, not by a politician and certainly not in a budget.” Representative Amanda Toll, Keene: “I know firsthand that no one — especially politicians in Concord — should interfere with this intensely personal decision between.” Dr. Wayne Goldner, Bedford: “I practiced obstetrics and gynecology for 35 years and that included the provision of abortions. No woman ever plans to have an abortion and it is with great emotion and reflection that they choose to terminate their pregnancy. But that decision must be made between a patient and their doctor. It should not be up to politicians in the State House, or Governor Sununu. The anti-abortion, anti-choice amendment to HB 2 is a confusing, cryptic, onerous piece of legislation that will complicate and delay indicated care, increase costs, and likely cause increased morbidity and mortality to the women involved.” Senator Rebecca Perkins Kwoka, Portsmouth in Seacoast Online: “Today, this Senate will decide whether or not you trust me - and all New Hampshire women and anyone who is pregnant - to make personal, private medical decisions in consultation with their doctors, their family, their partners, and their faith. Or whether you think sitting here in this chamber today, you know better than I will in that terrible moment what care is best for my children.” Sarah Piedmont, North Sutton in the Concord Monitor: “[Governor Sununu’s] recent approval of this legislation is disturbing and disappointing. I rarely agree with Governor Sununu, but I didn’t think he was cruel enough to support a bill like this.”



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