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On Tax Day, Granite Staters Are Reminded That NH GOP Senate Candidates Refused to GOP Scheme


Republicans Want to Raise Taxes on Over a Quarter of Granite Staters

Today is Tax Day, and it’s another reminder that Chuck Morse, Kevin Smith, and Don Bolduc all refused to condemn the Republican tax scheme that would raise federal income taxes on over a quarter of Granite Staters – including seniors – if Republicans retake the Senate majority. In response, NHDP spokesperson Gates MacPherson released the following statement:

“Today is the last day for Granite Staters to file their taxes, and it’s another reminder that Chuck Morse, Kevin Smith, and Don Bolduc all refused to condemn the GOP scheme to raise taxes on over a quarter of New Hampshire families and seniors. While President Biden and our congressional delegation are working to cut taxes for families and lower costs for Granite Staters, Republicans are pushing an agenda that would raise taxes, end protections for pre-existing conditions, and gut Social Security and Medicare.”

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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