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NHDP Week in Review: Choice is on the New Hampshire Ballot in November

This week, POLITICO reported that the Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, which would ultimately allow Republicans across the country to push their anti-choice agenda that aims to criminalize abortion and punish women for seeking reproductive health care. Following the devastating news, Granite Staters from across New Hampshire mobilized and showed up in droves to voice their support for women’s reproductive freedom and their opposition to Republicans’ anti-choice agenda – making it clear that choice is on the ballot in November, and it will be a key voting issue for every single race up and down the ticket.

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NH GOP Senate Candidates Voice Their Support for Draft SCOTUS Decision to End Roe And Double Down on Their Extreme, Unpopular Anti-Choice Positions.

  • All of Senator Hassan’s GOP Senate Opponents This Week Made it Clear That They Support the Supreme Court’s Draft Decision to Overturn Roe. Chuck Morse said that he supports the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe and was proud of his anti-choice record which includes being the “key architect” of the first abortion ban in modern New Hampshire history, that makes no exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal anomaly, mandates ultrasounds and imposes felony penalties and prison time on doctors. Kevin Smith told his supporters that “we are SO close to ending abortion once and for all” and said that he supported the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe. Don Bolduc similarly said that he supports the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe. Don Bolduc also said that he supports the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe. And Vikram Mansharamani said he supports Morse’s abortion ban.

  • Chuck Morse Votes Against Codifying Abortion Rights After the Supreme Court’s Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade. The news that the Supreme Court could overturn Roe v. Wade prompted Democrats in the state senate to call for a vote to codify abortion rights into the state law, ensuring that even if Roe is overturned, Granite Staters can still access safe and legal abortions. However, last night Morse was the deciding vote against codifying abortion rights at the state level, making it clear that he would be a rubber-stamp for Mitch McConnell and Washington Republicans who will try to ban abortion outright and make it harder for women to access the health care they need.

Chris Sununu Tries to Run From His Anti-Choice Record.

  • Supreme Court’s Draft Decision to Overturn Roe Puts Sununu’s Anti-Choice Record in Spotlight. Democratic leaders from the state legislature, state party, and Executive Council hosted a press event laying out the NH GOP’s anti-choice agenda, and blasting Sununu’s repeated attacks on the reproductive rights of Granite Staters that include signing into law the first abortion ban in modern New Hampshire history.

  • Granite Staters from the North Country to the Seacoast Rallied at the State House and Specifically Called out Chris Sununu. All week, protestors gathered outside of the State House in Concord and condemned Sununu and his extreme anti-choice agenda. Democratic leaders also condemned Sununu’s anti-choice actions. In an executive council meeting, Councilor Cinde Warmington told the governor that the Republican majority on the Executive Council are using “[his] abortion ban” to “defund reproductive health care.” Senator Cindy Rosenwald pointed out that Governor Sununu “eliminated family planning services for 15,000 low income Granite Staters.”

Republicans in the State House Wage All-Out Assault on Abortion Rights and Women’s Healthcare Providers.

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