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NHDP Statement on Senate Republicans Efforts to Overturn the Redistricting Process Via Amendment

CONCORD, NH — The New Hampshire Democratic Party condemns today's vote by the Senate's Republican majority to pass HB 75, amended with last-minute, non-germane language, affecting the election of Strafford county commissioners to benefit Republicans in that area.

In response to this disregard for the democratic process and the rule of law in the Granite State, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:

"The Senate Republicans have betrayed the trust of New Hampshire's people by pushing through a bill that undermines the transparent and fair redistricting process we had all committed to uphold. The amendments they have proposed are an absolute affront to our democratic principles. This is a complete mockery of — and a direct assault on — the integrity of our state's electoral processes.

"Two years ago, our legislators spent countless hours on the redistricting process and to see it so recklessly undermined by the Senate Republicans is nothing short of disqualifying. There was no mention of or request by the residents of Strafford County to make such drastic changes at the public input session during our redistricting process. This move is a blatant power grab that could easily lead to a barrage of costly litigation, all at the expense of New Hampshire's taxpayers.

"The NHDP vehemently condemns this shameless political game by State Senate Republicans. We will not stand by as the democratic process is hijacked. We call on all New Hampshire citizens to join us in holding these elected officials accountable for this egregious undermining of the redistricting process. We will continue to oppose any attempts to subvert the will of the people of the Granite State."

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