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NHDP Statement on Nikki Haley’s Trip to New Hampshire

CONCORD, NH — NHDP spokesperson Aida Ross released the following statement ahead of Nikki Haley’s trip to New Hampshire this week:

"Everything Nikki Haley says in New Hampshire is a desperate attempt to rewrite her extreme record. It’s time Haley finally stops hiding behind her hypocrisy and takes real accountability for how she signed an extreme abortion ban in South Carolina, praised the Chinese government on the world stage for years, and was a loyal soldier carrying out Donald Trump’s MAGA agenda.” Here’s where Nikki Haley really stands:

  • As ambassador to the United Nations, Haley described China as a “great friend,” said it would be “fine” for them to be “everywhere in the world,” and insulted our service members by claiming China’s military was stronger than ours.

  • Haley gladly welcomed and incentivized Chinese businesses in South Carolina as governor, despite calling China a threat to American businesses on the campaign trail.

  • In New Hampshire, Haley pledged to sign a national abortion ban if it landed on her desk, joining the likes of Donald Trump, Tim Scott, and Mike Pence in endorsing a national abortion ban that would jeopardize Granite Staters’ reproductive health care.

  • She proudly signed an extreme abortion ban into law as governor of South Carolina — which had no exceptions for rape or incest and threatened providers with jail time.

  • Haley has long embraced the most extreme elements of the MAGA agenda and has failed to name a single difference between herself and Donald Trump, after serving as his wingwoman for years.

  • Echoing Donald Trump, she’s tripled down on calls to cut Social Security and Medicare on the campaign trail. Her stance is no surprise, since she has a history of pushing to put these crucial programs on the chopping block.

  • Haley promised that she wouldn’t campaign for election deniers — and then did for the 2022 midterms. She proudly campaigned for Don Bolduc, who endorsed her run for president alongside a congressman who called for martial law after the January 6 insurrection.

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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