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NHDP Statement on George Hansel’s Campaign Filing

CONCORD, NH – In response to George Hansel filing to run in New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District with the NH Secretary of State today, NHDP Press Secretary Monica Venzke has released the following statement:

“Since he launched his campaign, George Hansel has been dodging questions and hiding his stances on issues the voters of CD-02 care about. Whether it’s his previous or current support for Donald Trump, his stance on gun safety legislation, or if he would support codifying Roe v. Wade into law, George Hansel is clearly hoping he can avoid answering questions and pull a fast one on the people of CD-02. The voters won’t be fooled, and no matter who emerges from this primary, they will choose to re-elect Congresswoman Kuster to ensure strong leadership for New Hampshire's Second District."

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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