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NHDP Statement on Democratic Primary Result


CONCORD, NH — NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement on President Joe Biden winning the New Hampshire Democratic Primary:

“Tonight, Granite Staters delivered an overwhelming victory for President Joe Biden in the Democratic presidential primary — all thanks to the hundreds of grassroots organizers who successfully coordinated an historic write-in campaign that mobilized tens of thousands of voters across New Hampshire. Despite President Biden’s absence from the ballot, Granite Staters still turned out in robust numbers to show their support for the great work that the Biden-Harris Administration has done to grow the economy, protect reproductive freedoms, and defend our democracy. Once again, New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary made history — and we are proud as ever.

“While Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson came up short tonight, we appreciate their robust campaign effort and thank them for running. New Hampshire Democrats pride ourselves with our commitment to a level playing field that gives all candidates the opportunity to get out their message.  

“Granite Staters know the stakes of this election: our freedoms and democracy on the ballot. As we turn our focus to the general election, it is abundantly clear New Hampshire Democrats are excited to re-elect President Biden and Vice President Harris, elect a Democratic governor, and flip the State Legislature blue. On to victory in November!”

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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