NHDP Announces Statewide Program to Hold Sununu Accountable for Signing Extreme, Anti-Choice Budget
Concord, N.H. -- The New Hampshire Democratic Party will run an aggressive, statewide program to hold Chris Sununu accountable for signing the most extreme, anti-choice budget that New Hampshire has ever seen. With press conferences, digital ads, and more, the NHDP will make sure that New Hampshire voters know that Chris Sununu supported and signed into law a budget that bans abortions with no exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal anomaly — and includes mandatory ultrasounds and felony penalties for doctors who perform abortions. “Granite Staters are ready to aggressively hold Chris Sununu accountable while he tries to hide the fact that he signed the most extreme budget New Hampshire has ever seen, which includes an abortion ban, mandatory ultrasounds, an extreme voucher program, cuts to public education, and attacks on free speech,” said NHDP Chair Ray Buckley. “Chris Sununu owns the most extreme and anti-choice budget in New Hampshire history -- and Granite Staters will hold him accountable for it.” The NHDP will also highlight how the budget prevents important conversations about the history of our country and cuts funding for public schools to send money to private and for-profit schools, raising property taxes on hardworking Granite State families. The program includes:
Statewide press events featuring local elected and community leaders, health care providers, educators, and advocates. The NHDP will kick off these local press conferences on Thursday, July 1 in Portsmouth with Seacoast leaders and virtually with Upper Valley leaders.
Targeted digital ads on Facebook and Twitter, highlighting the extreme abortion ban Sununu signed into law and how it will impact Granite Staters, how Sununu’s budget cuts money for family planning and reproductive health services, and showing the amount of state funds communities across the state will lose in school funding.
A targeted grassroots communication program to provide Granite Staters with resources to discuss how the budget will impact them and their communities.
Direct voter communication including door-to-door conversations with independent voters and statewide visibility events to raise awareness about Sununu’s extreme, anti-choice budget.
The program will continue over the summer with events across the state, press conferences, videos, and additional paid advertising