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NH Primary Source: NH Democrats Ramp Up Attacks On Sununu As He Goes ‘National’

The New Hampshire Democratic Party today launched, a new website that will serve as a hub for Granite Staters to track in real time the aggressive, secretive, behind-the-scenes effort by Mitch McConnell to entice Chris Sununu to run for the U.S. Senate. will feature video, updates, and media coverage about McConnell’s “full-court press” to woo Sununu. makes clear that if Sununu runs, it will be for Mitch McConnell — not New Hampshire. Read more from WMUR:

Key Excerpts:

SUNUNU-McCONNELL SITE LAUNCHED. Gov. Chris Sununu is increasingly sending signals that he’s very interested in – and perhaps even leaning toward – running for the U.S. Senate next year.

And state Democrats are increasingly attacking Sununu, today with a new microsite linking the governor to Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell and key members of his caucus, including National Republican Senatorial Committee Chair Sen. Rick Scott of Florida.


This year, and presumably next year as well, the NHDP effort has been and most likely will be focused on trying to tie Sununu to Mitch McConnell and his lieutenants. McConnell’s approval rating in New Hampshire these days is not known – publicly, at least – but in February, a UNH Survey Center poll showed only 4 percent of Granite Staters had a favorable opinion of him while 79 percent viewed him unfavorably. Even among Republicans, the poll showed McConnell with a 9 percent favorable/70 percent unfavorable rating.

The latest national poll, released this week by the Economist and YouGov, showed McConnell viewed favorably by 24 percent and unfavorably by 61 percent. A poll last week by POLITICO and Morning Consult showed McConnell with a favorability rating of 26 percent and an unfavorable rating of 53 percent.

It’s small wonder then, that the NHDP has begun an effort called “McConnell-Sununu Exposed,” charging that Sununu would be a McConnell puppet in the Senate. McConnell as far back as May told POLITICO that Sununu “would be a great candidate. We’re hoping he’d make the race.”

Today, the party is launching “,” with videos and media reports about McConnell’s effort to, as the party says, “woo Sununu into the race for the U.S. Senate.

“The new site will also serve as a resource for Granite Staters, providing research and critical background information about the McConnell-Sununu agenda — including both politicians’ attacks on reproductive freedom and opposition to tax cuts for Granite Staters,” the NHDP said.

“If Chris Sununu runs for the U.S. Senate, it will only be for Mitch McConnell, not New Hampshire,” NHDP Chair Ray Buckley said. “ will serve as a digital headquarters exposing Mitch McConnell’s all-out effort to woo Chris Sununu — and the risk McConnell and Sununu’s anti-choice, anti-middle class agenda poses to New Hampshire.”

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