Infighting in the NH GOP Senate primary ramped up after U.S. Senate candidate Kevin Smith’s campaign accused primary rival Chuck Morse of "instigating" a report alleging that Smith mishandled a harassment lawsuit while serving as Londonderry town manager and made sexist comments at work, including calling his female employee "pork chop." The Union Leader reported that Smith’s Campaign Manager Seb Rougemont "accused David Carney, Morse’s campaign consultant, of spreading the story on social media last month."
Rougemont also tweeted that Smith confronted Morse last month about the tweets, and “Morse admitted his campaign was behind the story" and even tried to blame Don Bolduc’s campaign for starting it.
The fighting between the Smith and Morse campaigns continues to escalate, with Smith’s campaign manager going all out in his attacks on Morse.
InDepthNH’s Garry Rayno noted that "any longtime observer knew this race was going to become brutal at some point" and "last week had the first significant hit piece in the Republican primary for the US Senate nomination." There’s no doubt that with two months until the September primary, the infighting will only increase as these B-tier Republican Senate candidates do everything they can to tear each other down.