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Hansel Campaign in Freefall

Terrible poll numbers and abysmal fundraising follow disastrous debate performance

CONCORD, NH — It seemed like things couldn’t get any worse for George Hansel following yesterday’s disastrous radio debate in which he was caught dodging questions and misleading voters. But today, bad numbers — in the form of a UNH Primary Poll and his pre-primary fundraising totals — underscored the depths of his campaign's mismanagement and failure.

A poll released by the University of New Hampshire showed Hansel trailing Robert Burns by 14 points, despite dark money GOP Super PACs pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into New Hampshire to prop up his failing campaign. This news was followed by the release of Hansel’s latest fundraising numbers which show his campaign is nearly broke.

In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:

“Somebody get this guy a parachute because his campaign is in freefall. George Hansel is having his worst week of the primary with the bad news piling up for his faltering campaign.

On Tuesday, George went on the radio and lied to New Hampshire voters about his record as Mayor and dodged questions about his positions on access to abortion and his support for Donald Trump. Today, the depths of his campaign failure became clear. The so-called businessman has run his campaign’s finances into the ground and has to dip into his personal bank account to keep his operation afloat. With his campaign finances in such disarray, it’s no surprise he didn’t even know how many millions of dollars his business and city received in federal funding. And what does his campaign have to show for its reckless spending? A 14-point deficit to his main political rival, Bob Burns. It’s hard to imagine how George Hansel’s week could get any worse — but, then again it’s only Wednesday.”

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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