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Front Pages Across the State Highlight Doctors’ Opposition to Sununu’s Extreme & Cruel Abortion Ban

Front pages of newspapers across the state are highlighting doctors’ opposition to Sununu’s cruel abortion ban. The abortion ban includes no exceptions for rape or incest or fatal fetal anomaly, subjects women to invasive mandatory ultrasounds, and will charge doctors with felony penalties of up to 7 years in prison for taking care of their patients.

See the front pages from New Hampshire news outlets and read what they had to say here:

NH Bulletin / Foster’s Daily Democrat / Portsmouth Herald- Lawmakers, physicians at odds over abortion ban: “The 24-week abortion ban headed to Gov. Chris Sununu’s desk would do more than just dictate a deadline providers say is medically dangerous. It would require a mother to carry a fetus that cannot live on its own. And it threatens doctors with prison time, requires a costly and unreliable medical procedure, and requires providers to provide the state with abortion statistics – something lawmakers have always rejected.” Read more from NH Bulletin here.

Valley News - Doctors, medical students urge Sununu to veto NH budget over abortion ban: “Nearly 200 health care professionals and medical students are asking Republican Gov. Chris Sununu to veto the Legislature’s proposed budget over a provision that would ban abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy. They argue the proposed ban could jeopardize the health of pregnant women and deter doctors and researchers from moving to New Hampshire.” Read more here. Read more from Valley News here.


  • NH Today Host Chris Ryan: “The details of the bill are what's problematic, as currently written [...] The campaign ads against Sununu write themselves.” [WGIR, 6/7/21]

  • Dante Scala, Political Science Professor, University of New Hampshire: “He’s trying to say he is pro-choice, but he's imposing restrictions. And even the way he couched it, you know, in the interview with you ‘you know, well, it's hard. I didn't, you know, it's part of the budget and I'm not going to veto it just because of that,’ I mean, that's--I don't think all that inside Concord stuff is going to work out for him. [...] I think back to the old saying, you know, about New Hampshire politics. If New Hampshire Republicans are running on social issues, it's not a good look for them.” [WGIR, 6/8/21]

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