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Chuck Morse Endorsed by Extreme, Anti-Choice Group That Wants a Total National Ban on Abortion

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Chuck Morse was endorsed today by an extreme, anti-choice group that wants to ban abortion nationwide and restrict abortion "in every state and in every legislature, including the Congress.”

The group’s decision to endorse Morse is hardly surprising, given Morse’s extreme, anti-choice record. Morse is the “key architect” of the first abortion ban in modern New Hampshire history, which made no exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal anomaly, mandated ultrasounds, and imposed felony penalties and prison time on doctors. Morse voted four times against adding exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal anomaly to the abortion ban, cast the deciding vote against enshrining Roe v. Wade into state law and celebrated the end of Roe.

“This endorsement is another glaring reminder that Chuck Morse is an anti-choice extremist who would be an automatic vote for a Mitch McConnell nationwide abortion ban if he were in the U.S. Senate,” said NHDP spokesperson Gates MacPherson. “By proudly accepting an endorsement from a group working to ban abortion nationally, Morse is just doubling down on his long record of taking away reproductive rights.”


Susan B Anthony List Website: “SBA List's Mission Is To End Abortion.” “SBA List's mission is to end abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.” [Susan B Anthony List, About, accessed 12/23/21]

SBA List President Called Rape Exceptions For Abortions “Abominable.” ‘Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser, who moderated the press conference and whose organization has been a prominent backer of the 20-week ban in its current form, said that she believes that rape exceptions are ‘abominable.’ ‘I agree. I agree that the rape exception is abominable,’ she told LifeSiteNews. ‘I also know that with it, we were able to move forward, and we have the potential of saving 15,000 to 18,000 children a year. No one should give up or give over a rape exception unless there is simply no chance of saving those other children. I really believe that.’’ [Right Wing Watch, 6/12/15]

SBA’s President Said Exceptions For Rape And Incest Are “Just Wrong.” “DANNENFELSER: Regrettably, there is a rape and incest exception. It was the only way it was going to be allowed onto the floor by the leadership. I mean, I say regrettable. I really mean, any child at any stage should be protected from conception -- and certainly at 20 weeks. Excepting anyone -- It's just wrong.” [Caffeinated Thoughts Radio Podcast, 5/16/15]

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

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