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Three Years Later, Trump Keeps Breaking His Promise To Granite Staters on Preexisting Conditions

Holly Shulman

Concord, N.H. - Three years ago today, Donald Trump promised that his health care repeal scheme would preserve protections for Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions. Today, New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair Raymond Buckley released the following statement on Trump's broken promise on health care: “In the midst of a global pandemic, Trump’s broken promise to nearly 600,000 Granite Staters with pre-existing conditions is more harmful than ever. Democrats including Senators Shaheen and Hassan helped block his efforts to repeal Obamacare in Congress, but Donald Trump has continued to sabotage Granite Staters’ health care by pushing an agenda that spikes costs and jeopardizes coverage. And even as we grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, Trump is still pushing a lawsuit that would overturn the Affordable Care Act and kick tens of thousands in New Hampshire off of their health care plans. Every Republican running against Senator Shaheen, Congresswoman Kuster, and Congressman Pappas supports Trump’s lawsuit and his harmful agenda to repeal health care for thousands of Granite Staters, which is why New Hampshire voters will reject those Republican candidates along with Trump this November.”

Background on Trump's Broken Promise on Health Care Promise: On April 30, 2017, Donald Trump promised that TrumpCare would lower premiums and preserve protections for Americans with preexisting conditions:

  • "Preexisting conditions are in the bill. And I mandate it. I said has to be. So, we have — we're going to have lower premiums."

  • "But when I watch some of the news reports, which are so unfair, and they say we don't cover preexisting conditions, we cover it beautifully."

Reality: Trump’s bill would have put 6.3 million Americans with preexisting conditions at risk for higher premiums. Reality: Three years later, Republicans are waging a twisted campaign to fully overturn the Affordable Care Act. If they succeed, as many as 133 million Americans with preexisting conditions could be denied coverage or charged higher rates — including nearly 600,000 Granite Staters. Reality: Trump has expanded “junk” insurance plans that don’t protect patients with preexisting conditions or provide comprehensive coverage.


New Hampshire Democratic Party

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