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Communities Across New Hampshire Speak Out To Say Sununu's Budget Is A Disaster for Public Education

In Case You Missed It, local legislators and community members across New Hampshire held events today to discuss Governor Sununu's proposed budget and how it hurts New Hampshire communities by essentially flat-funding education.

In Keene, Senator Jay Kahn highlighted how the Governor's budget fails Granite State families, along with Representative Craig Thompson, Chair of the Stoddard County School Board Dita Englund, Keene City Councilor Mitch Greenwald, and County Commissioner Chuck Weed. "We need investment in public schools, and Governor Sununu's proposed public education budget is taking us in the wrong direction," said Kahn. "The Governor’s budget continues to reduce stabilization grants to schools and to underfund full-day kindergarten, and leaves in place the state’s ability to reduce special education funding below statutory levels."

In Nashua, Senator Cindy Rosenwald discussed how the Governor's proposed budget misses the mark when it comes to school building aid, ignoring the real issues affecting New Hampshire schools. Rosenwald was joined by Senator Melanie Levesque and Representative Laura Telerski. "The Governor continues to highlight his school building aid matching funds, but schools in Franklin and Berlin can’t keep their schools open and certainly can't afford the necessary matching funds," said Rosenwald. "They don’t need building aid, they need money for their operating budgets. Most poor school districts have declining enrollment - they don’t need these additions. The governor would know that if he spoke to communities before deciding how to spend money in them."

Senator Martha Hennessey led a group of elected officials and community members in Lebanon, including Representative Linda Tanner, Representative George Sykes, Representative Laurel Stavis, Representative Richard Abel, Honorable Chuck Townsend, and Lee Hammond, who voiced their frustration with the Governor's lip service to public education. "Please don’t tell us you care about education, show us you care by putting money in the budget," said Hennessey. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement: "Selfish Sununu continues to ignore the issues that really matter to New Hampshire, choosing to prioritize the bidding of the lobbyists and corporate donors who fill his campaign coffers. New Hampshire schools are in crisis, and today Granite Staters sent a message to Sununu that he can no longer leave our students in the dust by refusing to invest real money in public education."


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