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ICYMI: Eddie Edwards can hardly be bothered to vote; Now he wants to vote for a living


Concord, N.H. - Today, the Union Leader reported that Eddie Edwards failed to vote in several key elections over the past two decades. Edwards has missed 3 of the last 4 midterm elections, casting his only midterm vote in the last 20 years when he was on the ballot in 2014. The same year, Edwards cast his first ever state primary vote, and continuing his trend of voting only in years he’s on the ballot, Edwards cast his first ever municipal election vote in 2017. Despite New Hampshire’s First in the Nation Presidential Primary status, Eddie Edwards skipped voting in the Presidential Primary in 2004, 2008, and 2012 despite two competitive Republican primaries. See quote from NHDP Chair Ray Buckley featured in the story below. Union Leader: Edwards failed to vote in 3 of 4 past midterms By: Kevin Landrigan CONCORD — Eddie Edwards of Dover, the 1st Congressional District Republican nominee, failed to vote in three of the past four midterm elections and the 2016 presidential primary was the first he time he’d cast a first-in-the-nation primary ballot since 2000 according to voter files reviewed by the New Hampshire Union Leader. Democratic nominee Chris Pappas of Manchester cast a ballot in every single election since he’s been of voting age according to those same records. Edwards did vote in the last midterm election in 2014 He was on the ballot in that general election as the nominee for State Senate in District 4, losing to Dover Democrat and current Sen. David Watters. But Edwards didn’t vote in the previous three midterm elections of 2002, 2006 and 2010. In 2006, the woman Edwards now wants to replace, retiring U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, D-NH, won her first of her four terms. In 2010, Shea-Porter lost her seat to former Congressman and ex-Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta, a Republican... Democratic Party Chairman Raymond Buckley said Edwards’ voting history was a disqualifying resume for this race. “Eddie Edwards is asking Granite Staters to elect him to a position that requires him to vote for a living, and yet he has skipped three of the last five presidential primaries and hasn’t shown up to vote in three midterm elections,” Buckley said. “New Hampshire has a proud tradition of voter participation and it’s a shame that Edwards doesn’t carry out this act of civic responsibility. If Eddie Edwards can’t show up to vote in the midterm elections, why should we entrust him with our votes on November 6th? More importantly, why should we trust him to vote on New Hampshire’s behalf in Congress?”...


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