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NHDP Statement on Attorney General Jeff Session's visit to NH

Concord, N.H. - Today, Attorney General Jeff Sessions visited New Hampshire to discuss the opioid epidemic. "We hope that Attorney General Jeff Sessions' visit to New Hampshire is more than a political stunt continuing the Trump Administration's all-talk no-action approach to the devastating opioid epidemic plaguing our state," said NHDP Chair Ray Buckley. "That Sessions is visiting New Hampshire to talk about combatting the crisis at the same moment his Justice Department is refusing to defend Americans' rights to access affordable healthcare regardless of their pre-existing conditions is absurd. The Affordable Care Act is directly responsible for giving thousands of Granite Staters the ability to access the treatment they need to enter into recovery. Their attempts to derail the bill are irresponsible and dangerous. It's a sad reality that every Granite Stater knows better than to count on corporate-puppet Governor Sununu to stand up for the people of New Hampshire and defend our right to healthcare against the terrible policies of his once and future donors. It's no wonder that voters are counting the days when they can head to the ballot box and remove these corporate shills from office."


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