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Sununu hides from his responsibilities, fails to join another bipartisan letter defending the ACA

Concord, N.H. - Yesterday, a bipartisan group of nine governors released a statement urging the Trump Administration to reverse their decision to no longer defend the Affordable Care Act in the face of a lawsuit that would, if successful, strip protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions. Governor Sununu's name was noticably absent. Last year, Sununu supported Republicans' failed efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, even claiming credit for helping draft the Graham-Cassidy bill that would turn Medicaid into block grants.

NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement: "Once again a bipartisan group of governors have come together to defend the Affordable Care Act from Republican attacks and Governor Sununu is nowhere to be found. Does Sununu believe that people with pre-existing conditions don't deserve affordable healthcare or is he such an ineffective leader that even when Granite Staters' access to health insurance is on the line, he's still too scared to stand up to Trump? Whatever the reason, under Sununu's leadership New Hampshire loses. In November, voters are eager to bring integrity back to the corner office and elect a Democratic governor who will defend and work to improve the Affordable Care Act, instead of one who waffles between joining these Republican attacks and watching from the sidelines."


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