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New Hampshire loses 620 more Liberty Mutual jobs under Sununu's watch

Concord, N.H. - On Friday, Liberty Mutual announced the elimination of 620 IT jobs in New Hampshire. While Governor Sununu has claimed to meet with 127 out-of-state businesses, which he won't name, there is no indication he met with Liberty Mutual to retain hundreds of jobs in the state. Since becoming governor eleven months ago, Liberty Mutual has eliminated 810 jobs in New Hampshire. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "This weekend, hundreds of New Hampshire families had to face the reality of finding a new job and uprooting their lives. Governor Sununu loves to talk, but has he done anything to try and retain the hundreds of jobs he has lost? Has he met with Liberty Mutual? Sununu is willing to speak up to defend a bill in Congress that will increase taxes on hundreds of thousands of New Hampshire families, but when 620 families lose jobs under his watch, he is nowhere to be found or heard from. Governor, New Hampshire's nation-leading economic success under Governor Hassan was not built on gimmicks like Skyping with out-of-state companies you refuse to name. It was forged by diligently ensuring businesses continue to employ hard-working Granite Staters. This massive job loss is unacceptable and it's time Sununu speak up and take responsibility."


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