Concord, N.H. – Today on CNN, Governor Sununu shed crocodile tears about Trumpcare’s cuts to Medicaid, reduction in eligibility, and downshifting to states. His opposition to the Senate Trumpcare bill is contradictory to his support for a similar House version which he called a “huge win.” This sudden opposition is also in conflict with the provisions he urged Congress and the Trump administration to take up when considering a health reform bill. After the Senate Trumpcare bill gave him exactly what he asked for, Sununu opposed the bill in its current form, but only after it was clear that it was unable to garner the necessary support to move forward as written.
Sununu on CNN: “Downshifting costs into a state like ours, it’s unfair, and more importantly, it’s not practical. There’s really no way to implement the plan as is.”
The Truth: In February, Governor Sununu proposed gutting Medicaid by way of block grants. The Senate Trumpcare bill he opposes because of does exactly that by establishing a per capita cap that slashes Medicaid by $772 billion. These federal cuts would downshift costs to states.
“Give us a block grant.”
“When we hear the term block grants coming out of Washington, especially with healthcare, the opportunities are tremendous for us.”
“I’m hearing a lot out of Washington that they are looking at block grants, which would be wonderful.”
Sununu on NH1
“Block grants are great and I’m a very strong believer in that.”
Sununu statement of opposition to BCRA: “The changes proposed in BCRA will cut eligibility.”
The Truth: By allowing states to waive mandated coverage of essential benefits, the Senate’s version of Trumpcare does exactly what Sununu asked in May: It allows states to opt out of providing coverage for substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, and women’s health.
Sununu on NHPR
“When we look at things like substance use disorder, or mental health, women’s health care, things like that, we have to make sure that the states are the ones that are really in control…I don’t think the federal government should be universally mandating a whole lot.”
Sununu on CNN: “Downshifting costs into a state like ours, it’s unfair, and more importantly, it’s not practical. There’s really no way to implement the plan as is.”
The Truth: Governor Sununu’s budget downshifts millions in costs to New Hampshire cities to pay for a corporate tax cut that slashes hundred of millions from the state budget.