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Voting by Absentee Ballot

NHDP Voting Resources

You are eligible to vote absentee if any of the following applies:


  • You won't be in town during polling hours on Election day

  • You are unable to vote in person because of a disability

    • In this context, "disability" is defined to include any medical condition where medical advice is that the voter not go out in public. This includes any concerns about COVID-19.

  • You can't vote during polling hours because of an employment obligation, including caring for children and infirm adults.

  • You can’t appear in public on Election Day because of a religious commitment 


Steps to vote absentee:


  1. Download the absentee request form HERE

  2. Find your clerk's office contact information HERE

  3. Submit the completed form to your clerk's office by mail, email attachment, or in person. 

  4. Track your absentee ballot request HERE.


Questions? Contact our Voter Protection department at

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