CONCORD, NH – Today, WMUR reported that the Honorable Marty Walsh will be joining the New Hampshire Democratic Party for its annual state convention on Saturday, June 18th. “I am thrilled to once again be headed to New Hampshire to support Democrats up and down the ballot this year,” said Marty Walsh. “This November, it’s more important than ever that we elect leaders all over the country who are going to protect reproductive health care, fight for public education, and lower costs for all Americans. The path to keeping our Congressional majorities lies in New Hampshire, and with so many incredible candidates down the ballot, I’m thrilled to come and show them my support.” The NHDP’s annual state convention will take place Saturday, June 18th. Doors open at 8:00 AM and the speaking program begins at 9:00 AM. Delegates will hear from both national and New Hampshire leaders, provide party updates, and vote on party business. “We’re so excited to have Marty Walsh heading back to the Granite State for our convention, and are so thankful for his continued support in electing Democrats all over the Granite State this election cycle,” said NHDP Chair Ray Buckley. “This year, we need all hands on deck to elect strong Democrats. I hope you all are able to join the NHDP, Democratic leaders from across the state, and former Mayor Walsh at our annual state convention.” Since his election as Mayor of Boston, Walsh has been no stranger to New Hampshire. Over the years, Walsh has campaigned for Granite State Democrats and headlined local party events. Walsh is joining a line up of speakers at the NH Democratic convention that includes the convention keynote speaker Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, along with Senator Hassan, Senator Shaheen, Congresswoman Kuster, Congressman Pappas, Dr. Tom Sherman, and our Democratic state legislative leaders.
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