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EXCLUSIVE: Chris Sununu's Tax Day

Concord, N.H. - On Tax Day 2019, the NHDP compiled an ever-growing, non-exhaustive list of the ways that Governor Chris Sununu and his network of sycophants have profited off his position, just in time for Sununu to include in his tax filing:

  • $9,000 [estimate] - what the authoritarian government and Royal Family of Dubai paid Chris Sununu for his mysterious trip to the UAE in February. What exactly was this $9,000 for? Why is that total just an estimate and why isn't Sununu being more transparent about the money he took from a human-rights-abusing regime?

  • $5.923.10 - what Chris Sununu has taken in reimbursements from the taxpayers for his vague travel "expenses." Where did he go with this money? Why should taxpayers have footed the bill?

  • $39,360 - what Chris Sununu gave himself from his lobbyist slush fund of an inaugural committee, for "expenses." Why won't he provide the receipts for these expenses, if there was nothing improper going on? Why did his second filing show that he stopped paying himself, if he was doing nothing wrong in the first place?

  • $50,188 - what Catherine Sununu, Chris's sister, received from Sununu's lobbyist slush fund, for “expenses,” “supplies and decor,” and consulting. Why was Sununu's sister selected for this lucrative job? Was she the best person for the job? If Catherine was indeed the best person for this job, why did Sununu pick a new event planner for his second inauguration, once his self-dealing had been exposed?

  • $50,155 - what Paul Collins, the Sununu family's closest advisor, collected from Sununu's inaugural fund. What did Paul do to earn his $50k for the inaugural, if Catherine "did everything" for the inaugural, like she's claimed?

NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:

"Since day one, Governor Chris Sununu has put the needs of his corporate special interest donors over those of New Hampshire families, and he has a lot to show for it. Sununu's network of sycophants have given hundreds of thousands to his lobbyist slush fund and his campaigns, and Sununu, his family, and his friends have taken that money to the bank."


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