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Granite Staters Overwhelmingly Support Democratic Paid Leave Bill

Concord, N.H. - Today, the New Hampshire Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on SB 1, the bipartisan Paid Family and Medical Leave bill. Hundreds of Granite Staters filled the hearing room and lined the State House halls to show their support for this legislation. The plan, which has bipartisan support, would allow Granite Staters to take up to 12 weeks off from work to care for a loved one without fear of losing their job. This plan has been examined, analyzed, and proven to be fiscally sound, unlike Governor Sununu's concept, which has no such guarantees. NHDP Chair Ray Buckley issued the following statement: "Today's hearing was proof positive that Granite Staters overwhelmingly stand in support of SB 1, the only real plan to establish Paid Family and Medical Leave in the state of New Hampshire. This true public-private partnership stands in stark contrast to Governor Sununu's self-aggrandizing photo-op, which barely provided a concept for paid leave, let alone real legislation. "It's a shame Republicans are incapable of using paid leave as anything other than an biannually abandoned campaign promise. Perhaps Sununu will soon realize his job is to help his constituents, not his family and lobbyist friends, although that seems unlikely. Regardless, Granite Staters can be relieved to know that at least New Hampshire's Democratic majorities are fighting on their behalf and delivering on their promises."


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