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Would NH GOP Congressional Candidates Vote With Their Party or For Marriage Equality?


CONCORD, NH – Yesterday, with the fierce support of Congresswoman Annie Kuster and Congressman Chris Pappas, the Respect for Marriage Act passed the US House of Representatives.

With only 47 Republicans voting to pass this crucial legislation protecting the fundamental right of marriage, Granite Staters deserve to know – would NH GOP Congressional candidates have voted with the 157 Republicans who opposed this legislation, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy?

In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement:

“Thanks to the tireless work of our LGBTQ+ elected officials like Congressman Pappas and our fierce allies like Congresswoman Kuster, this piece of essential legislation passed the House. The NH GOP has been relentless in their attacks against the LGBTQ+ community in New Hampshire, with their party platform outright opposing marriage equality, and Republicans in Washington have been no different. Granite Staters want members of Congress who are going to fight for their fundamental rights, and we deserve to know if Matt Mowers, Karoline Leavitt, Gail Huff Brown, and Tim Baxter in CD-01, and George Hansel, Lily Tang Williams, and Bob Burns in CD-02 would have voted to enshrine marriage equality into law, or voted with the majority of their party?”

Paid for by the New Hampshire Democratic Party

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

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