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What They Are Saying: Granite State Leaders Applaud Shaheen, Hassan Leadership


Leaders across New Hampshire are applauding Senator Jeanne Shaheen and Senator Maggie Hassan for their work in securing the Senate bipartisan infrastructure deal. By investing in repairing roads and bridges, coastal resiliency and clean energy programs, the legislation will grow New Hampshire’s economy, and create jobs and opportunities for Granite Staters. Read more about what New Hampshire leaders are saying about the Senate’s vote for the bipartisan infrastructure deal: State Senator Cindy Rosenwald @CindyR4NH: TY @SenatorHassan & @SenatorShaheen for getting the infrastructure bill through the Senate! The investments in roads, bridges, clean water, and rail are so important to the NH economy. Also-great jobs! #NHPolitics [2:20 PM, 8/10/21] State Senator Tom Sherman @TomShermanNH: This is great news for the Seacoast! Investing in roads, bridges, clean energy and coastal resiliency will help combat climate change, create jobs, and grow the economy, especially as we recover from the pandemic. Thank you @SenatorHassan & @SenatorShaheen for delivering for NH! [1:00 PM, 8/10/21] State Senator David Watters @SenDougWatters: Grateful to @SenatorHassan & @SenatorShaheen for rolling up their sleeves and securing once-in-a-generation investments in clean energy, clean drinking water, coastal resiliency, and passenger rail. NH jobs! #NHPolitics [1:49 PM, 8/10/21] State Senator Sue Prentiss @PrentissSuzanne: Big news for our nation, NH, and District 5 - we can work together. Long overdue, the backbone of our communities is built by its infrastructure - bridges, roads, transportation, and more. Thank you @SenatorHassan @SenatorShaheen #nhpolitics [5:53 PM, 8/10/21] State Representative Matt Wilhelm @RepWilhelm: Thanks to @SenatorShaheen + @SenatorHassan for passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which will improve:

-NH's roads + bridges

-coastal resiliency

-high-speed Internet

-clean drinking H20

-passenger rail


-clean energy tech

AND MORE!! #NHPolitics [1:48 PM, 8/10/21] State Representative Debra Altschiller @DebrasATeam: The bipartisan infrastructure deal secured by @SenatorHassan & @SenatorShaheen will be transformative for our state. By investing in coastal resiliency & clean energy, we can address the climate crisis while creating jobs & growing our economy. TY Senators!#SeacoastNH #NHPolitics [5:51 PM 8/10/21] State Representative Mary Hakken-Phillips @MHP4NHRep: Great news for #GraniteState roads, bridges, water & sewer pipes, broad-band internet access, airports, and MORE! The biggest investment in American infrastructure & jobs in a decade. While this is part 1 of a 2 part deal, we’ve got bipartisan momentum! #NHPolitics [12:43 PM, 8/10/21] State Representative Manny Espitia @MannyForNH: Thank you to @SenatorHassan and @SenatorShaheen for passing the bipartisan infrastructure bill that will go a long way towards helping so many families in NH! #NHPolitics [1:31 PM, 8/10/21] State Representative Laura Telerski @LauraTelerski: Thank you @SenatorShaheen & @SenatorHassan for this once-in-a-generation investment in NH's Infrastructure! These historic investments in passenger rail, broadband, & clean water will make life better for people here in Nashua & all over the Granite State. #NHPolitics [3:42 PM, 8/10/21] Rockingham Democrats Chair Larry Drake @LarryDrake2: Thank you @SenatorHassan for your hard work on this historic legislation! It's clear that you used your experience as Governor to help shape the aid for NH. You're doing the job that Granite Staters elected you to do, delivering real results! #NHPolitics [2:48 PM, 8/10/21] Terie Norelli @TerieNorelli: As a seacoast resident, I appreciate that its priorities inc Increasing Coastal Resiliency for Seacoast Communities and specifically addresses PFAS contamination. TY @SenatorHassan & @SenatorShaheen #NHPolitics [5:57 PM, 8/10/21] Maura Sullivan @maurasullivan: By seeking common ground, @SenatorShaheen and @SenatorHassan delivered big wins for our state. These historic investments in cybersecurity, high-speed internet, and roads and bridges will make NH’s economy stronger and lift up families across our state. #NHpolitics @NHDems [5:48 PM, 8/10/21] Dartmouth Democrats President Miles Brown @MilesBrown23: Incredible! Moments like this are a great reminder that our democracy CAN work. Thank you to @SenatorHassan and @SenatorShaheen for your leadership on this issue. #NHPolitics [1:14 PM, 8/10/21] 603 Forward @603Forward: This infrastructure bill is huge for NH.

Huge investments in…

- High voltage sign clean energy + clean waterDroplet

-Water wavecoastal resiliency to protect against the effects of climate change

-Stationpassenger rail

Thank you



@SenatorHassan leading the way on this! #NHPolitics [2:00 PM, 8/10/21] Dover Democrats @DoverNHDems: Thank you, @POTUS , @VP & our amazing DC Senate team-@SenatorShaheen & @SenatorHassan -for winning this historic bipartisan victory for the American people. CNN Story: @NHHSDems @NHDems @TriCityNHYD @SCDCNHDems @NHYoungDems [4:27 PM, 8/10/21] NH College Democrats @NHCollegeDems: Thank you to both @SenatorHassan and @SenatorShaheen for all your work on this important issue! We need your continued leadership in Washington. #NHPolitics [12:41 PM, 8/10/21]

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