NEW CNBC REPORT: Under Sununu, New Hampshire’s Ranking Plummets in “America’s Top States for Business” Study In What CNBC Calls a “Big Decline”, New Hampshire Standing for Best State for Businesses Falls from 25th to 37th Place
Concord, N.H -- Under Chris Sununu, New Hampshire’s standing in the national ranking for top states for businesses plummeted twelve spots from 25th place to 37th place, according to a new study from CNBC. “Chris Sununu’s policies prioritizing Mitch McConnell and special interests are making New Hampshire an inhospitable state for small businesses owners,” said NHDP Chair Ray Buckley. “This report shows what people in New Hampshire have known for a long time, which is that Chris Sununu is more focused on being courted by national Republicans than working for Granite Staters.” New Hampshire was among only five states that saw a sharp decline in ranking. CNBC’s ranking system includes categories like Cost of Doing Business, Infrastructure, Life, Health, and Inclusion, Workforce, Economy, Business Friendliness, and Access to Capital. According to CNBC, “Each category is weighted based on how frequently states use them as a selling point in economic development marketing materials. That way, our study ranks the states based on the attributes they use to sell themselves.” CNBC called New Hampshire’s drop in the rankings a “big decline.” This new report comes after Sununu signed the most extreme budget in New Hampshire history, despite opposition from business and community leaders, which includes a ban on free speech, an extreme abortion ban, and mandatory ultrasounds and also siphons money from public schools to private and religious schools.