Giuliani on Smith’s Run for Senate: “He’ll Be a Great Senator”
In a desperate attempt to cater to the most extreme members of the Republican Party, Kevin Smith joined Rudy Giuliani’s radio show today and locked in the support of Trump’s top crony, who said Smith would “have been a great governor, he’ll be a great Senator.” During the interview, Smith and Giuliani reminisced on their decade-long friendship and how Smith supported Giuliani’s presidential campaign in 2008 and Giuliani supported Smith’s campaign for governor in 2012. The interview is a stark contrast to how Smith’s campaign manager Seb Rougemont painted the relationship between Smith and Giuliani. Exactly one month ago, Rougemont told the Union Leader that “Kevin and Rudy haven’t spoken in years." This is the latest example of Smith contorting himself to get the coveted Trump endorsement. Yesterday, Smith shared an op-ed by disgraced Trump advisor Corey Lewandowksi who discussed how critical a Trump endorsement would be for the Republican Senate primary. With the Republican primary just weeks away, the Republicans will only become more desperate for Trump’s stamp of approval.