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Sununu’s Economic Record Is Riddled With Failure

CONCORD, NH – Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce released GDP numbers for the second quarter of 2022. Under Governor Sununu’s watch, New Hampshire’s GDP growth and personal income growth ranked in the bottom tier of the nation.

Sununu touts that “New Hampshire has the strongest economy,” he is, once again, lying, when reports like this clearly show New Hampshire’s economy is struggling as a result of rising costs of energy, housing, and property taxes.

This follows a July report ranking the “Best States to Do Business”, where under Sununu, New Hampshire has tanked in the ratings year after year.

In response, NHDP Chair Ray Buckley released the following statement,

“Sununu talks the talk, but he has never been able to walk the walk. His leadership record is one of failure. Granite Staters are struggling under Sununu and the NH GOP’s leadership. Lying and deflecting are the only things he seems able to do.

These numbers paint a clear message — we need a new governor ASAP.”

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